Manuscript Finding Aids
The Manuscripts Collection is comprised of over 600 collections of personal and family papers, business and church records, photographs, diaries, maps, oral history tapes, and similar materials. Significant collections include the William King Stubbs Architectural collection, the Marshall Harvey Twichell papers, the Israel Shreve letters, and the different collections that comprise the Camp Ruston collection.
To view or request materials from any of the collections found in the Manuscript collections please contact the University Archives and Special Collections at specialcollections@latech.edu or 318-257-2935.
If citing one of the Manuscript Collections please use the following citation:
Name of collection, collection number, box number, folder number, University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana
Rufus M. Smith Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
List of former prisoners interned in U.S. World War II prisoner of war camps who returned for reunion in 1984, including four from Camp Ruston
Ruston Business and Professional Women's Club
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Minutes, scrapbooks, and publications of the Ruston Business and Professional Women's Club organized in 1919.
Ruston Church Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Church records, bulletins, minutes, brochures, newsletters, correspondence, and scrapbooks of a number of Ruston, Louisiana churches, including Church of the Redeemer Episcopal, Trinity Methodist Church, First Baptist Church, Ruston Presbyterian Church, Vienna Presbyterian Church, and the Vernon Church.
Ruston Civic Symphony Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Programs of the Ruston (Louisiana) Civic Symphony, 1981-1995, including list of charter Board of Directors and past presidents
Ruston Civic Symphony Financial Records
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Records of the Ruston (Louisiana) Civic Symphony, including the bulk of financial records
Ruston Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials related to the history and development of Ruston, Louisiana
Ruston College Records
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Records of Ruston College
Ruston Fire Department Photograph Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Photographs of "Old Main" after fire, Ruston Volunteer Fire Department, and fire stations
Ruston High Bearcat Soccer Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials relating to the establishment of the first soccer team in Ruston High School history
Ruston Presbyterian Church Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Papers given by members at a historical meeting of the Ruston Presbyterian Church, October 1963, honoring Kathleen and Helen Graham, active long-time members of the church; highlights of the history of the church and tributes to the Graham sisters
Ruston Presbyterian Church Records
Tanya L. Arant and University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Minutes of the Session, 1884-1920; register of pastors, elders, deacons, communicants, and baptism
Ruston State Bank 105th Anniversary Exhibit and Records
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials concerning exhibit celebrating the 105th anniversary of Ruston State Bank
Ruth Reed Calhoun Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Historical memorabilia from the donor's student days at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute
Saint Rest Baptist Church Records
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Records, correspondence, and photographs relating to Saint Rest Baptist Church
Saints Rest Baptist Church Lincoln Parish
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Records concerning Saints Rest Baptist Church in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana
Salem Baptist Church Bossier Parish
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Records of the oldest Baptist Church in Bossier Parish, Louisiana
Saline Baptist Church of Christ Bienville Parish
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Records of Saline Baptist Church of Christ in Bienville Parish, Louisiana
Saline High School Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Histories of towns and communities in Bienville Parish, compiled by Saline High School students and the Bienville Parish Planning and Development Board; abstracts and deeds of land in Bienville Parish; a few records of the Bienville Parish School Board and the Saline High School
Sallie Robinson Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials related to Louisiana Tech University Alumni Association, graduates, history of Tech; notices, 1905-1924; lists of alumn
Sallie Rose Hollis Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Donor's mother’s Tech gym clothes from the 1930’s
Salvatdre Dali. La Conquette du Cosmos, II
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
This boxed set of numbered chromolithographs is apparently the work of the famed Spanish artist Salvador Dali (1904-1988) although we have been unable to identify this title within his total work and the accessions record is lacking
Samuel Worth Jones Family Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
The journal of a prosperous farmer in Webster Parish, Louisiana, kept 1870-1925; and the personal, legal, and business records and correspondence of Jones, his father John Jones III, his son Floyd and other members of the family
Sarah Jane Johnson Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials related to Johnson's years at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute
Sardis Baptist Church Records
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Church records of Sardis Baptist Church, Winn Parish, Louisiana,; includes records of the W.J. Martin family, members of the church.
Scotty Gatlin Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Civil War letter from 28th Louisiana Regiment land information on men mentioned in it.