Manuscript Finding Aids
The Manuscripts Collection is comprised of over 600 collections of personal and family papers, business and church records, photographs, diaries, maps, oral history tapes, and similar materials. Significant collections include the William King Stubbs Architectural collection, the Marshall Harvey Twichell papers, the Israel Shreve letters, and the different collections that comprise the Camp Ruston collection.
To view or request materials from any of the collections found in the Manuscript collections please contact the University Archives and Special Collections at specialcollections@latech.edu or 318-257-2935.
If citing one of the Manuscript Collections please use the following citation:
Name of collection, collection number, box number, folder number, University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana
Louisiana Tech University Garden Club
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Minutes, roll book, and correspondence of the club.
Louisiana Tech University Sports Textile Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Louisiana Industrial Institute varsity football sweater and Louisiana Polytechnic Institute Blue Jackets (coed pep squad) jacket.
Louisiana Writers' Project
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Shreveport District File, including information about towns in Bienville Parish.
Loyce Smith Robbins Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Wills, land records, genealogies, photographs, and related papers mainly on the Stovall family of Jackson and Winn Parishes, Louisiana; includes some records of the Smith and Trevillion families.
L. R. Daniel, Jr., PhD Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Copy of petition to the Tau Beta Pi Association from the Delta Alpha Rho Engineers at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute
Lucien Flournoy Rountree Family Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Research manuscript by a descendant of the Flournoy family, early settlers of Caddo Parish, Louisiana; included is personal correspondence of Alfred Flournoy, a large planter and close friend of James K. Polk (whose letters appear in the collection).
Lucille Pierce Folk Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Original manuscript of "A Word Atlas of North Louisiana," with accompanying maps of Folk's doctoral dissertation.
Luke Smollen Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Class report "Oh Tech Thy Halls so Beautiful" prepared by donor, Tech undergraduate student, on conservation of the architectural style of Louisiana Tech University's historic buildings, including posters depicting seven buildings.
Lula McBride McDonald Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Typed copies of historical and genealogical articles on Jackson Parish, Louisiana, published in the Jackson Independent, 1960-1961; copies of church, genealogical, and official records; personal correspondence of and taped interview with McDonald,
Lynanne Hill Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Miscellaneous collection of Tech items.
Mamie Gay Dowden Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Louisiana Industrial Institute diploma of Mamie Gay Dowden.
Mansfield Female College Alumnae Association Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials related to college founded in Mansfield, Louisiana in 1855 and operated under the supervision of the Louisiana Methodist Conference until it closed in 1930.
Margaret Pesnell Colvin Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Painting by Camp Ruston P.O.W., photographs of prisoners' paintings and of rocking chair constructed by them, and service records of donor's father James F. Pesnell, a member of the American staff at the camp.
Margaret Sumrall Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials related to donor's personal collection of educational materials from Louisiana Industrial Institute.
Margaret Towers Monroe Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
History of Anna Calhoun Smith's school in Vernon, Louisiana, 1885-1901, written by her step-granddaughter; wife of Judge N.M. Smith of Jackson Parish, Mrs. Smith operated the private school for members for her family and other pupils, among whom was Senator James P. Pope; includes two Pope letters.
Margaret Wilson Harmon Letter
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Letter reminiscing about donor's student days at Louisiana Industrial Institute and Louisiana Polytechnic Institute..
Margery Kidd Nicholl and Gertrude Mayfield Brown Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials of the Kidd and Mayfield families, early residents of Ruston, Louisiana; contains muster-out roll of Co. F, First Regiment of Louisiana Infantry from Ruston, 1898, and related records, interviews with Gertrude Mayfield Brown related to Brown and to Louisiana Industrial Institute, items regarding Ruston College and Louisiana Industrial Institute.
Margie Riggs Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Copy of sheet music of Louisiana Tech's Alma Mater "O Tech Thy Halls So Beautiful" signed by the composer, John P. Graham.
Marjorie C. Leigh Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Articles researched and written mainly on the history of Lincoln Parish, Louisiana, by Leigh, former Louisiana Tech University librarian, including newspaper clippings of her Ruston Daily Leader column "Out of Our Past."
Marjorie C. Leigh Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Articles written by Leigh, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute librarian, related to history of North Louisiana and published in local newspaper as "Out of Our Past."
Mark Scalia Research Materials Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Photocopied materials collected by Mark Scalia from doing research for graduate history papers including letters, pamphlet and publications.
Marshall Harvey Twitchell Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Papers of a Vermonter who was a Freedman's Bureau agent in old Sparta, Louisiana, and was later the North Louisiana leader of the Radical Republicans and owner of a plantation in Red River Parish.
Martha M. McCardell Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Historical memorabilia from the donor's student years at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute.
Martha Moore Dudley Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Louisiana Industrial Institute commencement program.
Martin and Lucille Porter Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials related to the history of Bernice, Louisiana.