Dissertations from 2024
Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Training Environments, Lindsay Kristina Gouedy
Dissertations from 2023
Insufficient Effort Responding, Elizabeth L. Regland
Dissertations from 2022
Antifragility: Disorder as the Wind That Energizes the Fire Within Us, Abdulah Bajaba
The Relationship Between Experienced Workplace Incivility and Pre- Quitting Behaviors: A Model of Mediated Moderation, Matt Lovett
Dissertations from 2021
"Money, Money, Money... All the Things I Could Do:" Three Essays on Prosocial Venturing and Financial Resource Acquisition, Koushikee Dutta
Dissertations from 2019
How Tempered Radicals Pursue Ideological Change Within Their Organization, Saleh M. Bajaba
Essays in International Corporate Finance, Patrick M. Stanton
Dissertations from 2017
Understanding the effects of regulatory focus on proactive behavior, Brian P. Waterwall
Dissertations from 2016
Enough is enough! Understanding environmentally driven multisensory experiences, Nina Lisa Theresa Eileen Krey
The effect of corporate social performance on acquisition performance, Sammy G. Muriithi
Perceived patient control over personal health information in the presence of context-specific concerns, Prabhashi A. Nanayakkara
Dissertations from 2014
Pay communication: An overview, scale development, and analysis of its influence on workplace deviance, Shelly A. Marasi
Common method variance: An experimental manipulation, Alison Wall
Dissertations from 2013
Two essays on CEO inside debt compensation, Nilakshi Borah
The moderating effects of the ethicality on both morality and religiosity concerning the likelihood of tax evasion, Fred Coleman
The impacts of founding teams' characteristics, types of opportunities, and types of strategies on firm performance in new business ventures, Kyung-Moon Kim
The relationship between proactive personality and performance: Why and when?, Khai The Nguyen
Retailer television advertising: Consumers' skepticism of informational vs. emotional ads, Janna Michelle Parker
Escapist environments, restorative experiences, and consumer self-regulation, G. David Shows
Dissertations from 2012
Valuing value: Value-in-use and marketing performance, Kevin William James
Linking authentic leadership to positive employee health, behavioral engagement, and job performance, Yan Liu
Response rate and response error in marketing research, M. Yasemin Ocal Atinc
Converging transnational financial reporting standards: Validating the joint FASB/IASB concept of information quality, Jim Watkins
Dissertations from 2011
Detrimental effects of interventions with the corporate governance mechanisms of young entrepreneurial firms, Guclu M. Atinc
Two essays on managerial incentives, Hui Liang
Dissertations from 2010
An examination of the interfaces between operations and advertising strategies, Abdullahel Bari
Experimental investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics of R -134A in microchannels, Abdullahel Bari
Dissertations from 2009
When corporate policies and consumer values collide: Examining the relationship between religion and controversial business decisions, Krist R. G. Swimberghe
Dissertations from 2008
Antecedents of entrepreneurial orientation: A contingency approach, Laurent Stephane Josien
Proactive behavior: A selection perspective, Laura Elizabeth Marler
Optimal lot-sizing, pricing, and product intergenerational lifestyle decisions for the case of disruptive innovations in fashion, Ryan Samuel Sale
Attitudes related to CEO compensation, Donald S. White
Dissertations from 2006
Dissertations from 2004
Hedging strategies and price risk: An empirical analysis, Debra R. Hunter
An empirical investigation of a model of environmentally concerned consumer behavior and its determinants: The moderating role of market mavenship and product involvement, Kishwar A. Joonas
Antecedents and consequences of trust within organizations, Kyle Ristig
Transformational leadership, perceived union support, and union citizenship behaviors: A social exchange and social identity perspective, Nicholas William Twigg Jr.
Dissertations from 2003
Cultural diversity's impact on firm performance: The moderating influence of diversity initiatives and socialization tactics, Amy McMillan-Capehart
Dissertations from 2002
Just -in -time selling: Relation to market orientation, organizational structure and organizational performance, Kenneth Wilburn Green Jr.
Dissertations from 2001
An empirical analysis of the disclosures of loss contingencies associated with operational laws and regulations, Lisa Nesbit Bostick
A new construct of IS performance measurement: Consonance approach, Michael Weldon Boyd
Dissertations from 2000
Determinants of other post -employment benefit plan reductions and terminations in the post -SFAS No. 106 adoption era, Bruce Kinloch Johnson
Religious involvement and dispositional characteristics as predictors of work attitudes and behaviors, Tami Leigh Knotts
External labor markets: Job inclusion structures and processes, Jeffrey Jon Snell
Dissertations from 1999
Organizational dynamics: Issues and implications from the complexity sciences, Kenneth Michael Mathews
Observable outcomes and performance effects of the application of theory of constraints to organizational management, Martha Lair Sale
Consequences of contingent compensation, James Herschel Turner
An empirical examination of individual, issue-related, and organizational determinants of ethical judgments, Sean Robert Valentine
Dissertations from 1998
An empirical analysis of the relationships among entrepreneurial orientation, organizational culture and firm performance, Kenneth Herbert Chadwick
Determinants of loan losses in national banks: Size, regulation, and the AICPA model, Randy Marl Reed
A cross-sectional analysis of the determinants of corporate share repurchases, Kenneth M. Washer
Dissertations from 1997
Union commitment: A two-sample multivariate analysis of a professional white-collar union local and a typical blue-collar manufacturing union local, Arthur Lee Pevahouse
The effects of organizational and individual learning on job satisfaction and organizational commitment, David Lee Wright