Date of Award

Spring 5-25-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


School of Communication

First Advisor

Judith Roberts


This research looks at the use of short-form video as it pertains to wartime journalism. Specifically, Instagram reels posted by both Palestinian and Israeli journalists are assessed for news values (victim, perpetrator, horse race) and news frames (straight news, conjecture, human interest). Much research has been done on news reporting and even news reporting particularly as it pertains to war. However, with recent growth of short-form video and the use of such to report on war, the landscape of digital warfare is changing. This research aims to assess how short-form video is used to report on Israel and Palestine, two groups that have been at conflict with each other for decades. The methodology consists of selecting certain videos beginning on October 7 from Instagram profiles of two Israeli-based journalists and two Palestinian-based journalists. Fifteen videos from each profile were used in the analysis. Each video was analyzed for a dominant news value and dominant frame. The analysis of news values and frames found in videos posted by Israeli and Palestinian journalists revealed themes of peace journalism and war journalism. Understanding how short-form video is used to report on war is important to know as research continues to study how digital media impacts mediated news communication.
