Date of Award

Spring 5-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Jamie Newman


Stem cell-based therapies are the future of medicine, as their natural abilities of self-renewal and differentiation have the potential to treat currently incurable diseases. Stem cells are categorized based on differentiation potential, with multipotent stem cells being the most differentiated while still having the ability to divide down defined lineages. Adipose stem cells (hASCs) are easily derived multipotent, mesenchymal stem cells with already demonstrated therapeutic potential. Despite current success, there are a multitude of factors that regulate the physiology and role of adipose stem cells, including transduction pathways and transcription factors, that remain to be researched and fully understood. One such transduction pathway –the Notch signaling pathway– is known to be crucial in stem cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis in all animals. The focus of my research is on Notch3, one of four Notch transmembrane surface receptors involved in stem cell fate determination, embryonic development, and some forms of cancer. I utilized siRNA-mediated knockdowns of Notch3 to evaluate its role in stem cell proliferation, self-renewal, metabolism, and morphology. Results have indicated that Notch3 plays a highly active role in cellular proliferation and self-renewal, while not eliciting an effect on metabolism and morphology. This data continues to drive the research into stem cells and their regulators forward, bringing us one step closer to finding curative degenerative disease treatments.
