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The University is required by Louisiana State Statute (L.A. R.S. 44-410) to have a Records Management Program to ensure that vital records are identified and maintained. The Office of the Secretary of State, Division of Archives has established policies and practices to assist State agencies in establishing and maintaining their Records Management Programs (LAC 4:XVII, Chapters 1-15). Having an active Records Management Program is important in preserving the history and culture of Louisiana Tech University. The purpose of this policy is to establish a systematic process that will effectively maintain a University records management program, applicable to both electronic and hardcopy formats.

All records created by University officers or employees in the course of their duties on behalf of Louisiana Tech University are retained for as long as they are required to meet the legal, administrative and operational requirements of the University, after which time they are either destroyed or transferred to the University Archives. The final disposition (either destruction or transfer to the Archives) of records is carried out according to approved records schedules and University policies. See below for further requirements relating to litigation holds and electronic mail.

The State Retention Schedule, Form SS ARC 932, a standardized form created by State Archives, provides a format for each State agency to identify and classify its records by type. State Archives defines record types as “records series.” As a University is a very diverse agency, records series will differ greatly from one department to another.


AY – Academic Year (September through May)

FY – Fiscal Year (July through June)

CY – Calendar Year

ACT – Active

Archives – University Archives

Series – A group of related or similar records, regardless of medium, that may be filed together as a unit, used in a similar manner, and typically are evaluated as a unit for determining retention periods (i.e., requisitions, appointment forms, invoices, correspondence, payroll records, minutes, etc.).

Additional information may be found on the State Archives’ Records Management web page at:


For Retention Schedules (SSARC 932) for individual departments within the unit of the President's Office please see "Additional Files."
