Manuscript Finding Aids
The Manuscripts Collection is comprised of over 600 collections of personal and family papers, business and church records, photographs, diaries, maps, oral history tapes, and similar materials. Significant collections include the William King Stubbs Architectural collection, the Marshall Harvey Twichell papers, the Israel Shreve letters, and the different collections that comprise the Camp Ruston collection.
To view or request materials from any of the collections found in the Manuscript collections please contact the University Archives and Special Collections at specialcollections@latech.edu or 318-257-2935.
If citing one of the Manuscript Collections please use the following citation:
Name of collection, collection number, box number, folder number, University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana
Georgia Payne Pinkston Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Literary achievements of Georgia Payne Pinkston.
Gerda Cornelisse Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials regarding Nazi-occupied Netherlands.
Gertrude Mayfield Brown Interview
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Transcripts of oral history interview with Tech's first woman graduate Gertrude Mayfield Brown, who graduated in 1898 with a major in Domestic Science.
Gladys Brand Stinson Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Materials donated by former U.S. Army nurse who worked at Camp Ruston P.O.W. camp.
Glen T. Bays Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Collection contains September, 1935 issue of The American Progress newspaper. A Memorial Edition containing the last speech that Senator Huey P. Long made on the floor of the United States Senate and his assassination.
Glynn R. Kinnimer Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Photograph of donor as a teenager sitting on ruins of model castle constructed by Camp Ruston prisoners of war.
Graham Family Artifacts
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Artifacts from a prominent North Louisiana family.
Gustaf H. and Ursula Panula U.N. Philatelic Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
A United Nations Stamp Collection consisting of 39/58 stamps issued by the U.N. from 1951-1957. These are full sheets, each consisting of 50 stamps, with a total of 172 sheets.
Guthrie Jarrell Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Student memorabilia of Louisiana Polytechnic Institute.
G. W. McGinty - Francis T Nicholls Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Notes on Nicholls by G.W. McGinty; several notes refer to correspondence by Nicholls; collection contains only the notes and quoted passages compiled by McGinty.
G. W. McGinty Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Papers of history professor and administrator at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; includes manuscripts of McGinty's thesis, "Louisiana Redeemed," and "Louisiana History."
G. W. McGinty Supreme Court of Louisiana Brief
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Printed booklet of brief, case number 35.308.
Hank Fraser Interview
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Interview of Hank Frasier.
Hardtner Lumber Company Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Hardtner Lumber Company papers and records.
Harley B. Bozeman Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Papers of longtime resident of Winn Parish, Louisiana, state politician and friend of Huey P. Long and family; in later years became known as the historian and genealogist of Winn Parish.
Harlie L. Beagle Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Memorabilia from the donor's student days at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute.
Harold L. Johnson Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Picture postcards showing scenes of Louisiana Industrial Institute.
Harold Pace Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Miscellaneous collection of historical memorabilia from the desk of a former Tech Registrar, including 1915 list of students, photographs of registrations, slides of Tech buildings, and floor plans of 1973 Keeny Hall renovations.
Harrell R. Smith L.P.I. Commencement Invitation
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Commencement invitation, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, including class roll.
Harry Clayton Sanders Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Genealogical and historical records of the ancestors of Harry Clayton Sanders of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana.
Hazel Coyne Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Genealogical materials relating to the McCormack, Fontaine and Bruton families.
Hazel Meadows Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Historical memorabilia from donor's student days at Louisiana Industrial Institute and Louisiana Polytechnic.
H.B. Bozeman Collection
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Specimen of petrified palm wood found by Estes B. Bozeman in 1962-63 on the southeast flank of the Sikes Salt Dome, Winn Parish, Louisiana. Palm trees grew in the Winn Parish area 30-40 million years ago during the Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era.
H.D. Wilson Musical Score
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
"Tenting on the Old Camp Ground" musical score.
H.D. Wilson Papers
University Archives and Special Collections, Prescott Memorial Library, Louisiana Tech University
Letter dated 1946 from family members to Ruston resident H.D. Wilson.