Date of Award

Spring 5-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Materials and Infrastructure Systems

First Advisor

John C. Matthews


New product development requires stringent testing to ensure that strength and safety standards are met by the innovative materials. When developing a new pipe material, several factors have to be tested for. In addition to normal material characteristics such as elastic modulus of pipe materials, long-term hydrostatic strength (LTHS) and hydrostatic design basis (HDB) are needed. Tests for typical material characteristics are commonplace and can certainly be conducted in most lab facilities. In contrast, LTHS and HDB as described in ASTM D2992 are two tests that can prove very challenging to conduct. The current method requires a minimum of 18 full pipe specimen be placed under hydrostatic test at various stress levels to produce required failures. Successfully generating these failures can be very hard to achieve with a relatively unfamiliar material. This work suggests a modified method drawing from years of successful ASTM D2990 testing. This method will combine the loading apparatus used for ASTM D2990 creep testing, strain gauges and a new relationship between strain and the typical ductile failures seen in D2992 testing. It is also possible, with existing long-term data, to model the material behavior and reduce time further. The goal of this approach is to increase the volume of testing in order to ensure a higher level of confidence for designers and owners and save clients research funding as well.
