Date of Award
Spring 1999
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Computational Analysis and Modeling
First Advisor
Hyuk Jae Lee
In order to achieve high performance, processor architecture has become more and more complicated. As a result, compiler-time optimizations have become more and more important for the effective use of a complex processor. One of the promising compiler-time optimizations is the integration of register allocation and instruction scheduling based on register-reuse chains. In the previous approach, however, the generation of register-reuse chains was not completely systematic and consequently created many unnecessary dependencies that restrict instruction scheduling.
This research proposes a new register allocation technique based on a systematic generation of register-reuse chains. The first phase of the proposed technique is to generate register-reuse chains that are optimal in the sense that no additional dependencies are created. Thus, register allocation can be done without restricting instruction scheduling. For the case when the optimal register-reuse chains require more than available registers, the second phase reduces the number of required registers by merging the register-reuse chains. A heuristic is developed for the second phase in order to reduce the additional dependencies created by merging chains. The first step of the second phase is to derive a conflict graph in which each node corresponds to a register-reuse chain, while an edge represents where the corresponding two chains cannot be merged. Applying a graph-coloring algorithm to the conflict graph, the number of chains can be effectively reduced. The final step of the second phase is to run the 0-1 knapsack algorithm to make the number of chains exactly the same as the number of available registers. The proposed register allocation is implemented in LCC (Local C Compiler). An instruction scheduler is also implemented in LCC and then integrated with the proposed register allocator. Evaluation results show that the proposed algorithm and heuristic effectively reduce the number of necessary registers.
Recommended Citation
Zhang, Yukong, "" (1999). Dissertation. 705.