"Patterning layer -by -layer self -assembled multilayer by lithography " by Feng Hua


Feng Hua

Date of Award

Fall 2003

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Micro and Nanoscale Systems

First Advisor

Tianhong Cui


Nanoparticles are exciting materials because they exhibit unique electronic, catalytic, and optical properties. As a novel and promising nanobuilding block, it attracts considerable research efforts in its integration into a wide variety of thin film devices.

Nanoparticles were adsorbed onto the substrate with layer-by-layer self-assembly which becomes of great interest due to its suitability in colloid particle assembly. Without extremely high temperatures and sophisticated equipment, molecularly organized films in an exactly pre-designed order can grow on almost all the substrates in nature.

Two approaches generating spatially separated patterns comprised of nanoparticles are demonstrated, as well as two approaches patterning more than one type of nonoparticle on a silicon wafer. The structure of the thin film patterned by these approaches are analyzed and considered suitable to the thin film device.

Finally, the combination of lithography and layer-by-layer (lbl) self-assembly is utilized to realize the microelectronic device with functional nonoparticles. The lbl self-assembly is the way to coat the nonoparticles and the lighography to pattern them. Based on the coating and patterning technique, a MOS-capacitor, a MOS field-effect-transistor and magnetic thin film cantilever are fabricated.
