Date of Award

Summer 2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

First Advisor

Walter Buboltz


College students suffer from more sleep disturbances than the general population. Sleep difficulties in college students can lead to lower levels of performance, memory, and cognitive ability, as well as increased levels of anxiety and decreased levels of well-being. Sleep quality is known to impact individuals' physical and psychological health, which are indicators of well-being. Sleep also appears to influence individuals' choices of coping strategies. Sleep quality is also highly correlated with college students' emotional response to stress. The relationships between and among sleep quality, well-being, and coping style have not been fully examined. The purpose of this study was to further delineate the relationships between and among sleep quality, coping styles, and well-being in order to increase understanding of how each variable impacts the others.

Participants of this study were introductory psychology students at a medium-sized southern United States university. Using the Sleep Quality Index, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Coping Styles Questionnaire, and the General Well-Being Schedule, the relationships between and among sleep quality, coping style, and well-being were examined. Results found significant relationships between reported sleep quality and coping and sleep quality and well-being. Additionally, coping moderated the relationship between sleep quality and well-being for males but not for females.
