Date of Award

Winter 2001

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

First Advisor

Walter Buboltz


The present study conducted a confirmatory factor analysis of the Coping Style Inventory (CSI). A comprehensive review of the history of stress and coping research was provided, along with a presentation of suggestions for future research that have indicated a need for a melding of both theory-driven and empirically-driven methodology in coping assessment. Pursuant to this need, a pilot study was conducted to explore the factor structure and psychometric properties of the CSI (N = 560). Results of pilot work using a principle components extraction and a parallel analysis criterion for factor retention indicated that six primary factors were appropriate to retain for rotation to simple structure. Following factor extraction, an oblique rotation of the data matrix was performed. Results of exploratory factor analysis yielded a single stable solution, with each test item loading only on its intended factor. Additionally, a second-order components analysis of pilot data revealed the presence of a hierarchical structure in the data corresponding to a two-dimensional pattern, with each dimension consisting of three primary factors. Overall, the results of pilot work indicate the factor solution that emerged from the data was consistent with the theoretically derived scales of the CSI. The present study tested the assumptions of the hierarchical structure of the theoretical model through confirmatory factor analysis (N = 420) using structural equation modeling techniques. Results of analyses indicate that indices of model fit reflect a high degree of similarity between estimated and observed data matrices, providing support for the rationally derived scales of the CSI. Presentation of the results of this study is followed by a general discussion of data analyses, implications of research findings, limitations of the study, and suggestions for future research.
