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I hope you will enjoy reading about our faculty and student successes and take pride in the accomplishments of the College. We continue to do our best to advance each student who walks through our doors, in spite of continued state budget cuts. In the summer of 2012, I had to make some of the hardest decisions in my tenure as dean of the College of Engineering and Science. These cuts have affected our ability to replace faculty who have retired or taken other positions, to purchase needed equipment and supplies, and much more. I have asked our faculty and our Leadership Team to move forward with me in spite of these budget cuts and to continue to “lead the way” in innovative STEM education and transformative research.
Meanwhile, we have much good news to share. This year, the College of Engineering and Science rolled out its Cyber Discovery Camp to a national audience, with support from the Cyber Innovation Center in Bossier City and funding from the Department of Homeland Security. This successful program, which was created within our College, is now being duplicated at colleges and universities across the U.S. Additionally, our highly successful Living with the Lab first-year curriculum is also being emulated, both in this country and around the world. We have had faculty from New Zealand, Florida and Massachusetts visit our College this past year to learn more about this exciting new learning environment.
Our faculty continues to make national news in research. Dr. Erez Allouche, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Trenchless Technology Center at Louisiana Tech University, has won Technology Product of the Year honors from the Louisiana Technology Council and the North Louisiana Economic Partnership for his innovative green geopolymer concrete technology. Dr. Lee Sawyer, Dr. Dick Greenwood and Dr. Markus Wobisch, physics professors at Tech, were actively involved in the discovery of the Higgs boson — one of the most significant scientific discoveries in 30 years. Additionally, this fall we will begin offering a pioneering, interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Molecular Sciences and Nanotechnology, as well as the new B.S. in Cyber Engineering.
As you read this report, I hope that you will feel a sense of pride in the accomplishments of our faculty, staff and students who continue to excel under difficult conditions. I realize that many others are facing similar problems, so I appreciate your support and words of encouragement more than ever.
Stan Napper
Dean and Thigpen Professor
Publication Date
Spring 2012
Recommended Citation
Fraser, Catherine and Garcia, Estevan, "Annual Report 2012" (2012). College of Engineering and Science Annual Reports. 2.