The Quatrain
Volume 5 (2021) The Quatrain
Full Issue
Front Matter
Letter from the Dean
Donald Kaczvinsky
Letter from the Editor
Kristyn Hardy
Response to Donne's "Woman's Constancy"
Kristyn Hardy
To False Promises, and Failed Healing
Jackson Floyd
Welcome to Neverland
Lauren Washington
Oh Pinnochio, Call Me When You're a Real Boy
Laura Cason
He Does the Things He Does
Anthony Franklin
Lamb for the Slaughter
Annie Gremillion
But I Could be Marble
Grace Miholic
Flash Flood Warning
Jenna Meadows
What Happened at the House on Colquitt Road
Savannah Barker
what's the point: For Brittany
Katelyn Swanson
Here Lies the Dreams
Samuel Cooley
A Sonnet to Adonis
Zachary Biggs
Comfort Food
Isabelle Byrnes-Bartell
That One Dime
Anthony Franklin
American Soldier
Kylee Armstrong
Life on the Farm
Laura Cason
Loving Winds
Samuel Cooley
Short Fiction
Train Station of the Afterlife
Alayna Juneau
The Proving
Noah Weatherly
To Isolate, Or Not To Isolate
Keith Watson
An Ethereal Afternoon
Stevie Iseral
Cloud Watching
Maryam El-Awadi
Dixie Theatre
Linh Nguyen
Keeny Hall
Linh Nguyen
Asia Sunset
Tiffany Clinton
Crimson in the Snow
Trevor Blackstock
Diamonds in the Rough
Brennan Hilliard
Permanence. Anxiety. Acceptance.
Christi Kruger
Fibro Frog
Kayla O'Neal
Praying Mantis: The One-Night Stand
Evelyn Hinojosa
Graphic #5
Noah Blessing
Brennan Hilliard
Camera Shy
Trevor Blackstock
Raining Colors
Hunter Jones
Steeples Glen
Linh Nguyen
Self-Portrait within the Wallpaper
Evelyn Hinojosa
Minded Figure
Noah Blessing
The Divine Feminine
Stevie Iseral
Creative Nonfiction
To the Practice of Both
Addy Lindsay
Fractions: Perspective in Place
Madeleine Adams
I Used to Call It Home
Annie Gremillion
End Matter

- Editor-in-Chief
- Kristyn Hardy
- Managing Editor
- Katelyn Swanson
- Associate Editors
- Cammie Ardoin
- Hunter Jones
- Katelyn Swanson
- Staff Editors
- Kylee Armstrong
- Zachary Biggs
- Isabelle Byrnes-Bartell
- Samuel Cooley
- Anthony Franklin
- Isabella Harper
- Randi Markham
- Lauren Washington
- Faculty Advisory Board
- Anna Kelley, Instructor, English
- Design
- Tom Futrell, Associate Professor, Graphic Design