Date of Award

Spring 5-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Bryan McCoy


This qualitative case study of district-level and school-level leaders’ roles in implementing new initiatives explored district-level leaders’ support of principals’ implementation of new school-wide initiatives. The theoretical framework for this study was distributed leadership. Participants included district-level leaders and school principals in secondary schools. Research methods consisted of interviews and observations. Findings of the study included (1) district-level leaders and principals play vital roles but have different perspectives on implementing new district-level initiatives, and (2) district-level leaders and principals understand the importance of communication. These understandings lead to shared leadership that provides more stakeholders with a voice and helps to develop a more inclusive decision-making process, and district-level leaders are focused on having a relationship with principals where principals are supported and valued when principals make critical decisions at their schools.
