Date of Award

Winter 3-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

First Advisor

Steven Toaddy


In October of 2015, AROS, a faculty-supervised, student-led consulting group affiliated with the Louisiana Tech Industrial-Organizational Psychology doctoral program (, was contracted by the President and Vice President of a public research university to develop and administer a survey to gauge the climate, operations, and alignment of proceedings with the University’s strategic objectives (Valadez, Allen, Lovell, & Toaddy, 2015). AROS conducted interviews with key stakeholders and focus groups with University members (faculty, staff, and students), wrote and refined the list of survey items, programmed the survey into the online platform, and administered the survey to all faculty, staff, and students. Results were analyzed, reported, and fed back to members of the university. Feedback sessions were held with each unit leader to discuss unit-level results and action planning efforts. The current paper discusses the scientific literature that informed the process, evaluates the process, and provides suggestions for future improvements.
