Date of Award

Spring 2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership

First Advisor

Pauline Leonard


The selection of expert, effective cooperating teachers who can foster successful student teacher experiences and serve as primary role models for teacher candidates is central to the success of student teaching. However, a lack of consensus exists among education professionals on a standardized definition of effective cooperating teachers. The purpose of this dissertation study was to determine if student teachers' perceptions of cooperating teachers' modeled actions of professional standards differed across four certification grade bands: (a) early childhood certification (grades PK-3), (b) elementary certification (grades 1-5), (c) secondary content (grades 6-12) certification in English, mathematics, science, and social studies, and (d) K-12 certification in art, special education, music education, and health and physical education. The researcher collected data using the Ohio Student Teachers' Perceptions of Cooperating Teachers' Enactment of National Board Core Propositions and Teacher Educator Standards to Promote Student Teacher Learning. Findings revealed significant differences existed between elementary and K-12 certification student teachers' perceptions of cooperating teachers' modeling of professional standards. Recommendations included development of cooperating teachers' identity as teacher educators and intentional collaboration between university faculty and cooperating teachers. The need for collaboration and professional development, especially in K-12 certification areas, was indicated to address expectations unique to the disciplines and to promote improvements and alignment with programmatic efforts.
